Monday, November 15 Dress Launch
My mom is about to finish my dress.....and I'm: -Nervous
Nervous: what if I just feel like I am wearing a big, dark navy bag? It's a roomy dress, made for movement, adaptation and creativity....but I don't feel amazing in it. Yet. :) Nervous because I love individuality - having those things that I hunted for, took the time to find the bargain on, or just plain have come to "own" as my style - and I am greatly reducing finding my identity in my outer wear. "Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart." - 1 Samuel
Excited: One. Dress. Simplicity. Raising money for rescued young girls who need to know they are sacred, beautiful and valuable again. Excited for reduction and some freedom from fashion forward.
Overwhelmed: Tomorrow I turn in my civilian clothing and wear my last normal thing. What if I want to cash in the towel after 3 days? May my strength of competition kick in and I do this for all things beyond myself and my self image.
Amber, you ready?