Holiday Recovering
The winter whirlwind of festivities has settled down. Back to the real world and to January. Anybody else bluesy about it all? I think we are going to celebrate the liturgical 12 Days of Christmas next year to actually start celebrating on Christmas Day, instead of ending the celebration. As for IndyCC - it went really well. The conference as a whole went well as the women's session on Our Unmistakable Beauty. I had a moment during my time to talk about The Daughter Project and wearing one grey dress for 6 months. Many girls asked about it afterwards and were excited to try something associated with IJM (International Justice Mission).
Speaking of - Here are some great Thanks and Needs regarding TDP as of a few days ago:
Prayer Needs and Thanksgiving
- Thanks for a Dentist who has offered his services to our girls.
- Increased awareness of trafficking for those attending the Sanctus Real concert at Cedar Creek on New Year’s Eve; we will have a table set-up with brochures to hand out and thanks for volunteers to be available at the table.
- Good attendance at our Land Dedication Celebration which is being planned for the end of February.
- Favorable responses from building suppliers as we send out letters asking for donations to build our home.
- Thanks for a very successful training event for our Moms and Mentors last week.
- Wisdom during Mentor interviews tomorrow; Tuesday.
- Thanks for two new volunteers interested in leading an education & awareness campaign.
- Wisdom as we participate in a Trafficking Healthcare Protocol conference call in January.
- Wisdom and success as we plan speaking events for the next several months at the United Church of Christ, Hope United Methodist, Calvary Assembly of God and NorthPoint.
Happy New Year with my sis in law! Just a little apron action.
Buzz wanted in on TDP.
You may notice some sweet glasses in this photo. I had forgotten my contacts/glasses when we were in Columbus for Christmas. So my nephew let me borrow his "rec specs." Sexy.