Bathtime, etc.
Has it really been a month since we've blogged? Yes. We are wrapping up the BGSU school year with the students who are involved in our campus ministry and it seems like a whirl wind. And Spring is definitely in the air. Tulips. Birds. Cleaning out closets and a crawling little baby following me around. He's not so little any more. Turned 11 months a week ago and his first birthday is just around the corner. He's crawling and creeping and pulling himself up, especially in the bathtub - that Turkey. He loves the tub and then trying to squirm out of our arms to fight off the rest of our bedtime fun like pj's and such. With the crawling....who knew our house was really that dirty? I keep a pretty clean and organized home - until I would look at the clothing he was crawling on - pretty dirty. Yikes. Just building up that immune system, eh?