More reflecting on one year ago....(read second)
Another week at the NICU B&B
Hi friends,
Yes indeed, that place is starting to feel like our home.
Robby's results came back totally normal from his Numagram. This means that they didn't find anything abnormal or alarming with his breathing or his heart rate. This is particularly good news since it means that he likely will not have to go home on a monitor. Also, he is 5lbs 12oz... a couple ounces more than his birth weight!
So we are kind of just waiting on him now. He needs to go at least 48 hours without any alarms. He has been consistently having one late night alarm where his heart rate drops while bottle feeding. He never has this issue when he breast feeds, which is really reassuring since Ame will be mostly feeding him when he comes home.
Tonight I am planning on having a "guys sleep over" at the NICU. I want to bottle feed him myself over night and see if he does better with his dad who knows him and his incredible ability to gulp up milk.
Also, I would like to see what one of this alarms looks like if he does indeed have one with me feeding him so that if he does it when we take him home I will know what to expect and what to do.
So you can pray that Robby has 48 hours of good livin'. His last alarm was Sunday night at 9PM. You can pray for my sleep over with my boy tonight. You can pray that he continues to grow strong.
Thanks friends.
P.S. The picture attached is at least a week old, but it's sweet. He has developed quite a bit since then... he doesn't have any tubes on his face anymore, and he now speaks 3 languages fluently (just seeing if you read the whole email).
Rob Seiffert