Reflecting on one year ago....(read 5th)
".....and your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it" when you
turn to the right or
when you turn to the left...." Isaiah 30:19-21
Early Day 23.
After we left the NICU last night to go home, Robby had a great night. He did not have one
episode and the
nurse said he did excellent. He did well all day today. If he does well tonight the doctors want
to get him home
so "he can thrive even more" as he grows.
So, he could come home tomorrow.
But what do you do? Can't put my hope in something that is constantly changing, that's for
sure. But I do want
to practice being thankful in the midst of it all.
I am thankful that Robby does not have any long term sickness. He will not go home on
medicine, on a monitor,
on anything. He is simply premature and he will learn to do this...and has already taken great
strides this week.
That is so wonderful.
I am thankful for this sweet little scene today: Rob and I were eating dinner on the cozy
hospital lawn today (it
really is cozy) and a woman and her little son walked by us singing in one of those low, sweet
southern gospel
voices that could melt a heart of stone: "I'm trading my sorrows....I'm trading my pain....I'm
laying it down for
the joy of the Lord....."
We wept and were thankful for the reminder. I may chalk it up to one of those could-it-
angel-oh-well-it-was-cool-either-way moments.
I am thankful that I feel validated by airing my thoughts to others who will pray for us and
walk with us. That's
you. Thanks for reading what has become my journal.
Won't it be great to get an email that says: "Robby is home!" It will be great. You can pray
that it is this
But, hey...18 days until his due date.....