Baby in a Gray Dress

33 weeks along here.....pray that she makes it 2 more weeks - or, of course, full term. I'm doing well, going to play some more tennis tonight....went to my OB today and so far I've gained 18 lbs....with more weight coming. You should have SEEN all that I ate yesterday. It was like Roo would not be satisfied until I tried and ate every sort of fruit, veggie and cereal in the house. Whew! (it will come off, it will come off, it will come off - another step of the denial of self for the love and benefit of another little soul!) I often thought what would I have done if I had committed to a year of my dress....I would have 3 more months to go. Here she is - all in gray! I would surely have had to be creative to keep modest, cute and summer-mom friendly.



Speaking of The Daughter's the latest: This week they hope to complete the roof truss work and then the new batch of contractors begin their work; roofing, plumbing, HVAC, electrical. They also would love wisdom as they interview a House Mom candidate on Saturday to fill our last position. It's moving along!


Baby Roo Photos


Tears in a bottle