Baby Roo's Nursery

We finished it! Our 10ft by 5ft little space for Robby has been converted officially to Girl Land. I wanted the quintessential, classic, girly pink to be the base...and some clementine accents. When we found out we were having a girl I just about died with excitement. No one could tell me I was getting to girly in one space - because you CAN'T. She is totally a girl. (ok, it will be an interesting post if the ultrasound was wrong, friends)

Sometimes I try to sneak a piece of pink furniture into our living space. It hangs out for a few days until a certain handsome male that I am married to gives me the: "Huh, pink. With that? Hmmm." None of that for Roo. If she wants to wear a hot pink tennis dress - YES.

I wanted vintage and modern and family history and new life to be all rolled into this little space. There is a green sunroom off the back that compliments her space beautifully. Enjoy!









I sprayed some bird cages, made a mobile out of paper butterflies and lanterns, some Amy Butler fabric burp cloths (added to my collection from my sister in law- a fantastic seamstress) that are stowed in a round soon to be side table, and installed an array of wall hangings. The shelf was given from a dear friend with vintage blocks and keepsakes on top. I made a quilt that is draped over her crib and hope she'll want to have it with her as her little love-y. It feels ripe with love.


Portside Pirates


Cozy, Cute AND Clean