Dear Olive,
I just adore you. If I had a dollar for every time someone said how gorgeous you were, I would be loaded. And then I would use that money toward a mini van - since you did us in, kiddo. I will no longer be zipping around town in my cute, amazing green honda. No, sweet girl, we are moving to the all american mini van. I also wonder when you will stop fussing and crying between the hours of 6-10pm? You are 10 weeks....I hear colic ends around 3 months...maybe in 2 weeks? Can you tell me?
I also love your smile, your excitement and your sweet little piggers (toes). They are edible. And you, my dear, are one yummy little babe.
Your brother is very fond of you and likes to take your arms and yank on them, thinking they can handle such force - he wants to play with you so badly. He often sets army guys next to you and says they are "for you." Really, dude? You can handle a lot, and it's great. Speaking of handling a lot, you take better baths than your big brother - I splash lots of water in your face and you just keep on cooing. Robby sees it and calls you brave. I see it and call you normal.
My dearest Olive, you are growing every day - 10.12 lbs! How wonderful. You have your nursing strike moments....but we work through them. These may be indicative of other strikes you might pull in high school against me and I am practicing being secure about all of that business.
You are my sweet pumpkin pie, and I am thankful for you on this Thanksgiving Day.
olive on thanksgiving from Amy Seiffert on Vimeo.