A Story for Tomorrow
I've been exploring the book called Ecclesiastes with my friend, Erica. After so much (SO much! wine, women, architecting, gardening, money, etc) exploration by the Quester (King Solomon) in the book, he says it's all a "chasing after the wind." The world keeps turning. Nothing is new. Same. Same. Same. People come and go. Earth keeps turning. It's all meaningless. Except..... He give an "except" to it all. About all our stories: enjoy the gift of toil you have now - it's a gift right from God. (Ecc 5:19) He says love God. Do the right thing. That is the meaning.
And then you watch things like this. And you can embrace the gift. You can enjoy your small messy, beautiful train wreck of a Story, while it lasts. We breathe this daily paradox: Life is full of meaning as God-created beings; Life is a mist, a vapor, meaningless.
Do you agree? Disagree? Could care less and just want to watch another episode of The Next Food Network Star?
a story for tomorrow. from gnarly bay productions, Inc. on Vimeo.