Our Sweet Olive is One
It's not your birthday until you cry, right? This has proved true in my life and at least 5 other friends have also confirmed this truth this week about our own personal birthdays, holidays, etc. What is the deal? Expectations. The unmet kind.
Let's talk about Olive though....classing this joint up with zero tears - all smiles and fun and CUTENESS!!!!! How is she one?
My other major thought on motherhood.....why is it so much easier with the second child? Why are we so much more relaxed? My hypothesis: We know stages will end. For good and for bad. They will sleep. (I honestly wondered if Robby would). They will walk. They will only want to be held for so many months. They will only want to be snuggled for so long. The sweet things will end. The bitter things will end. Like a perfect, amazing piece of chocolate. Bittersweet.
Enjoy the fun....PINK birthday party......cotton candy machine.....Rob spent the day making the entire cake....beauty all around us.....