Easter Weekend

It's one of my favorite days of the year. When we celebrate that our God is not dead. He's alive as you can get. But I just had a hard time connecting throughout the week as I made times for reflection and for remembering - I would be interrupted and find myself wiping butts, drying tears, making meals, cleaning up meals.....and then trying to switch gears to the excruciating pain and reality that my God endured one dark Friday many years ago.

I found myself feeling guilty for not "getting" into the mode of the somber reality. My reality just keeps on going.

And sitting at our Good Friday service for an hour as my children were in their own BrooksideKids class....and I sensed a nudge in my soul. It's was as if the nudge was from God and he said - "I am giving you the time now....take it now."

I am thankful that the hour did help me remember the depths of the pain, the separation from Jesus' own Dad, the beatings, the abandonment from all friends and family.


Which gave me so much more thankfulness on Resurrection Day.


Thank you God, for the way you give gifts of grace, when we need them. That I don't have to make them up or shove them in - that you will provide time and space. Praise You.


Super Mom


Ressurrection Eggs