Pedestrian King
banal. humdrum.
The synonyms to "pedestrian" are the daily grind. Get up. Coffee. Workout. Shower. Work (home, semi-home, office, classroom, hospital, factory, cubical). Home. Dinner. Extra curricular activity thing (sometimes). Relax. Bed.
I even capitalized the antonyms....subconsciously. Because they are better, more fun, more "important" words...... right?
Our days are full of humdrum plodding along....with every so often some uncommon situation, event or person intersecting our grind. What of it all?
Today I am seeking to enjoy the blah. To look around. Hunt for the beauty in the kitchen. The interesting light in the neighborhood. And I am thinking about this:
"The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish." - John 1:14
Didn't an extraordinary King disrobe, take off his rings and jewels and velvet and move into our pot-holed neighborhood - to do life with us as we clean toilets and wipe bottoms? Didn't an uncommon King kiss his sweet angels goodbye on the head, leave the perfect temperate and landscape and move into our sex-offending (got another watchdog report that one moved in on our block) neighborhood and join our basketball practices?
Didn't he hold children and tell them to come to him....and talk with Martha about her kitchen....and picnic on hills....and stop for a drink of water on a hot, sweaty day?
Pedestrian King. Let me be your apprentice as I match socks and wipe runny noses and referee the many evils caused by tinker toys. Thank you for coming. I want to watch how you did it. Because you did. And you brought redemption with you.