Making Room for Greatness
So I'm just Pinning along, as you do while nursing a baby these days (when Robby was a baby I maybe fumbled with a...what was it? Oh, a magazine! Or a book!) and I came across a "wardrobe challenge." Anything with the word "challenge" in it I instinctually look twice. It's in my DNA. Nosing around some more I chased the rabbit hole and found several people who are into the minimalist movement. And my first thoughts when I read some of these lifestyles, statements, ideas and challenges went something like this:
-Surely they do not have children (but they do!)
-nor do they own a home and all the home care stuff (they own a home!)
-and they must not really enjoy fashion (she does! her 7 x 7 Challenge is super fun!)
-and do they actually cook with only 100 things in their kitchen? (home cooked meals most every night!)
And it got silly-stupid to me. Each thought I had was debunked by the next post in Tina and Tico's 31 posts on Exploring Minimalism. The more I read....the less excuses I had...and then the less I just wanted to have in my life. Living with less has been a thing in my life for a while...a hope, desire...something.
I like when there are:
-less things to get through to get out the door
-less stress when opening up my closet and thinking about clothing
-less toys to put away
-less dishes to do
-less laundry to fold
-less on my counters, my floor, my main workspaces of my home
Some fun things I am chewing on from the minimalist mindset:
-If I can buy it in 20 minutes for about $20 then I don't need it (when getting rid of things and you're just not sure)
-Box it up for 2 months. If you don't miss it, you don't need it. Donate said boxes.
-Would I buy this right now in a store? (when deciding on clothing to keep)
-"What if it's perfectly good?" I like Tina's response:
Sure, yes, lots of things are still perfectly good. But I’m not sure when I signed a contract that said I am only allowed to get rid of things that are broken and falling apart and hideous. Did you?
No doubt this way of thinking is residual damage still lingering from the toll the Great Depression took on people of that generation and was passed down. In fact, I think the reason we need a concept like minimalism at all is due to the pendulum swinging back from that time of extreme lack over to “if we canhave it, we should!” and “have all the things!”
When it comes down to it, its more about fear, than about trying to be frugal or responsible.
You’re not doing anyone any favors by holding onto more stuff, perfectly good or not. There’s nothing noble about it.
From my readings...there are a few people who have worked through the process to owning just 100 personal items (they have it's clothing, shoes, instruments, tennis gear..anything that is yours alone). And there are GREAT kid ideas too. Some own less....some's just a number to start somewhere. It's not about counting.
During the last 3 nap times this week I have cleared out my back entryway (the coat, boot, book bag catch all), half of my kitchen and my entire, top to bottom wardrobe. I feel whooped and energized all at the same time. I am down to 138 clothing items (includes all seasons, workout clothes, pjs, tennis uniforms...) and 18 pairs of shoes. I filled three rather large boxes and they are in my garage for the next 2 months in case (gasp!) I reaaaaally still need that green semi-itchy sweater.
It. Feels. Awesome. I am going to pair down jewelry for a while and make-up (what is all that half used stuff anyway? I have my 5 things I love everyday)
I love opening my drawers and not having sweaters on top of one another. I have my absolute look-good-in stuff there. In it's own uncontested spot.
Recently a friend just pointed out...."Ame's always doing something".....right?! I gotta keep it moving around here, keep it interesting, keep it challenging.
Hope you are chewing on these thoughts...and you can get more inspired or more annoyed by finding more about minimalism at Making Room for Greatness.