Wedding Coordinator 101
This is not a job for the faint of heart, the timid or the pushovers.
A wedding coordinator calls for an assertive, winning other's over as you go, positive and congenial-servant gal.....and I loved every minute of it last night!
Yesterday I had the privilege to try my hands at being a Wedding Coordinator for the Colarusso/Schaff know the gig: getting g-ma and g-pa down the aisles without tripping or fainting, lining everyone up and sending them down well-timed to music, making sure the flower girl doesn't turn around and run right back (it was close), assuring the bride that her last minute details are completely and fully taken care of, moving people to grab drinks until food is ready, checking in multiple times with bride, groom and mother of the bride to see about timing of prayer, toasts, cake-cutting, photos....
I realized a few things:
1. I like making people feel really loved and special on a big, big covenantal day. It felt like a social sport of sorts. Being volleyed back and forth between family members, caterers, music - all with a smile and a make-it-happen attitude.
2. I like making things happen, making quick decisions (guessing, mostly, but still very fun) and doing it all in a pretty dress.
3. I like helping people laugh at themselves in the face of a serious ceremonial day. I like the challenge of making it all work. And I like that it is short-lived. I can do all of that for a few hours....and then crash.
4. I could do this again. I think. Know anyone who needs a budding Wedding Coordinator? (And, I think you could throw in Wedding Decorator, too.....I whipped some things together on the fly that morning.....snazzed it up.)