Our First House Show
Our dimly lit house will smell of winter wine, good, fresh cheeses and the hopeful cheer of friends who are determined to enjoy the Inside Season (Ohio Winter, of course) this Saturday evening. We have invited the Ohio native band, Ellery, to perform a cozy, candlelit living room show. Making music in midwestern living rooms has been a new adventure for this duo and they are having a blast squeezing the best out of winter.
We thought about an Olympic Party with Kitchen Jumping and the Seiffert Super G...but the medical waiver forms looked taxing. Instead, let us make music.
Let us laugh in the face of the Inside Season. (though Life is so much sweeter after Deadness...so, yes, Inside Season, you do have a good, redemptive purpose)
Let us eat, drink and be merry.
Let us practice art and warm hugs and stillness that soaks up a good melody.
Won't you join us? If you haven't been invited - let me know. $10 suggested donation. 7:30 doors open. Music at 8:30. The Seiffert Living Room. Limited space for a cozy night. February 27th.
(Above is a little song sampler that my husband and I put together...he designed...I sewed...and we are passing it out to our friends who would love a pre-listen)