Spring and Boys: Brave and Naked
So - was yesterday's weather an April Fools Joke - or just a Good Thursday? (I am cracking myself up, here, good people). Robby and his friend Danny got so hot they wanted to take their shirts off and be "nakey". Oh my. How brave. And hilarious. And heart warming. I pray that your Good Friday feels the same: brave, even fun and heart warming.
Brave to sit and lay aside your plans today and think about the reality that for centuries the Jewish people worshipped God with a thick curtain in between them and a Holy God. But today, this very curtain in the majestic temple was torn in two, top to bottom (how interesting) making full access to God, as a man hung on a tree and died. No more barrier from the sacred and the secular. From messy humanity and holiness. From me and God.
I hope it's fun to enjoy the hope of New Life. Of new weather, new flowers, new ways of understanding the world.
And heart warming to think that there is nothing you have done, could do, and will do that will separate you from the love of God. So says the Bible for all of these hopes.
Good Friday to you.