Thank You
If you've prayed for me or thought of me or replied, thank you. My heart has remained soft and I can only think of your prayers and love as a means to that end. I have had good, actually on-the-floor kind of laughter over these past few days.
I've had sweet hugs from our newest houseguest living with us- what a gift she is for us. She's a dear friend from college who was out west and is back to the quaint Mainstreet life in Bowling Green, Ohio, with us. Robby really likes her Doritos.
I've made myself and some friends a new Spring line of my secret recipe cookies. That has made me smile.
And I have woken up lately to a loud shout around 7:45 am coming from my favorite little person: I WANT MOMMA TO HOLD ME!!!
Wow. Good morning to you, to, buddy. And as I've laid there listening to his request-demand....I have thanked God that he is our little miracle. Robby seems more and more a miracle every day.
Thank you, God, for our miracle. He is the sweetest thing in the world.
What about you? What keeps your heart soft? Soft like a secret-recipe, cut-out, pastel-frosted cookie?