Fruit of a Thousand Choices

"A grateful heart is not acquired in a moment. It is the fruit of a thousand choices." - Nancy Lee Demoss. How true. Gratitude. It's the gateway drug to a better opium: happiness, health, well-being. A right-centered view of life.

I need to see the seriousness of ingratitude. It seems the root of many vices/sin can come from a choked attitude of gratitude.

The freedom in my heart right now is directly tied to thankfulness. I want to keep fanning the flame of thanksgiving to create more freedom.

So then I have to ask: what keeps me from gratitude? What robs that simple root that can yield so much fruit? Hmmm....for me: A comfortable life. The more I have, the more I want.... to make myself comfortable. But never-satisfied. Entitlement seems to be a heart-thief.

What steals your gratitude?

(And, I must say, there has been a lot of thankfulness around here - Robby is officially potty-trained! He has cried his way through 3 poops on the potty - but has gone 5 total the last 5 nights. We started a Poop Prize Basket on the back of the potty. He could unwrap a new little toy I had wrapped each time he pooped. We have gotten miles outta this one. He even offered me a poop prize, of his own, this morning after telling me: "Good job on the potty, Mama." I love that little turkey.)


Oh well.

