Birth Strength

It's a thing. Those who have given birth were given the strength to do so. And whether you went natural or had drugs or in between (drugs that only partially worked, my poor sister!) or C-section - the actual event of getting another human out of your body, one way or another, requires a strength that I really think we need to be tapping into more than just that very specific birthing time.

Like on the tennis court.

Sometimes, when I am down a few games and I am weary and tired and my opponent looks youthful - perhaps has had zero children and is half my age -  I connect to my Birth Strength.

It's rather simple and just takes a few coaching moments. I use self-talk often on the court and in the last 5 years I have said: "You know what, let's remember a few things. You can make a serious comeback right now. You are able. In fact, you have pushed several babies out of your body. That was no small thing. But this green tennis ball  - this is small and simple and something you can absolutely control. Let's do this, self. Dig deep."

And I have calmly won several matches in this way.

Birth Strength, may I also suggest, is inside all ladies. This opponent I have mentioned above? She could tap into said Birth Strength. But this is where experience wins out. She has never done the thing, so drawing upon it may prove hard. In fact, it is quite possible she has never considered Birth Strength as an option. 

It may be the best kept secret out there. And here I am, letting the cat out of the bag.

Well, here's to you, Ladies! And your strength inside of you. An amazing reservoir waiting to be utilized in so many ways.

You just got word you have to add several more hours of work to your project at the office tonight? Birth Strength.

You want to eat a THIRD cupcake, but have to put your foot down? Birth Strength. 

Your three children are shoving and crying and throwing things at one another and the gates of hell are bursting forth in your living room? Birth Strength, my friend.

Someone just said something obnoxious and rude to you about something they know nothing about in your life and you want to tell them a thing or two, but are choosing not too? Birth Strength, Dear One. 

You're carrying the weight of your family, your own hopes and dreams, and maybe even real grief and tragedy on top of it all? And getting out of bed seems unheard of? Birth Strength, Momma. 

Dig deep, think about all you have been made to do, and know that you have a strength that can push ANOTHER human out of YOUR BODY. Be amazed!

Let's also give credit where credit is due, here. God gave women this strength - unique to just us. So you know it's gunna be good. He rocks at making people and gifts just for them. Tap in. 

God gave women this strength - unique to just us. So you know it’s gunna be good. He rocks at making people and gifts just for them.




Road Trip


Being Celebrated and Bringing Celebration on Mother's Day