Let All That You Do

It's Freebie Friday! This Free Printable is for you, sweet subscribers! And if you haven't yet, click the Subscribe button, get your case sensitive password, and use it on the Printables page! 

This one is for the moms, the plumbers, the teachers, the construction workers, the designers, the pastors, the babysitters, the lawyers, the accountants, the Taco Bell workers..... I can't think of someone who doesn't need this beautiful reminder of what life is about: Love.

May nothing we do be more important than loving whoever is in front of us.

I've run plenty of people over in the name of getting something done. Sad day. I've claimed the "right" to ignore or be rude to others to accomplish something. That's not a right. No task trumps loving people. No matter how big or small the task or people. 

Let's let ALL that we do be done in love.




Resting Day


Me? Passive Aggressive?!?