Back to School Devotional: Day 5
There was a season where my son was saying defeating words to himself. He called himself “stupid” and would put his head down and shame himself. It was terrible. We told him that those were lies coming out of his mouth. Stupid is not who he is. He may struggle in an area in school, but stupid is not his word. We needed to replace stupid with new words like: creative, kind, forgiven, gentle, thoughtful, selfless, loved.
Does this happen in your life, dear one? You may not say it out loud, but your mind is telling you all kinds of untrue things? You are not good enough, you don’t meet expectations, you are not loved? In this back to school season, you can't hack it?
Let me remind you, friend, that NOTHING can separate you from the incredible love of your King:
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ”
NOT ONE THING can separate you.
Not your anxiety.
Not your depression.
Not your chronic pain.
Not your debt.
Not your past.
Not your present.
Not your family history.
Not your mistakes.
Not your scars.
Not your unemployment.
Not your hurt.
Not your sin.
Not your broken marriage.
Not failures.
Not your worship of other things.
Not your fears.
NOTHING separates you from God’s love. He tore the curtain from top to bottom on the day He was crucified to display that there is NOTHING that prevents us from His love, that prevents us from access to the King.
Today's truth: I am fiercely fought for and loved by a good Father.
Live loved. Know how loved you are. You can rest secure. You can rest in your identity as the daughter of the Most High King who is incredibly loved. You don't have to scramble to prove your worth. You don't have to hustle to have hope. You can stop trying to perform and be perfect.
You could accomplish nothing from here on out and you would still be fiercely loved. This love is not built on YOU and what you do, it is built on God and who He is. That is such good news to carry into the school year. It is good news for parents, for children, for bus-drivers, for administration, for everyone. Take this truth with you today and share it with your children, your friends, your neighbors.
Dear God, thank you for your love. Thank you that not one thing can separate me from your love. Help me to see the places that feel unlovable to you and to say: despite it all, I am loved. I want to hear you throughout the day whisper to me about your love. You are a good Father. Amen.