Spring Soul Cleaning: Day 4
Have you ever walked right into a wall because it was so dark? I have. I have walked right into a wall like a ding-dong in the dark. It’s painful. It’s disorienting. And quite surprising. Where did that WALL come from? Who moved it? What is even happening?!
Light is essential if we are going to make it in this cruel, dark, wall-filled world. Light shows us the way. Light exposes the hidden things. Light gives us insight into the next step.
What I love is how light is God's specialty. In the beginning, God spoke and light existed. Jesus calls Himself the Light of the World. We won't even need the sun in Heaven because God's glory will be enough light for everything! He loves light. And He wants to light our way to see the walls in front of us.
Not only does God want us to see the walls, but God wants to help us over them. And not like some sweaty, struggling eleven-year old boy awkwardly butt-boosting his friend barely over the top of a wall.
Not like that.
He will help us LEAP over it. As if this wall ain't no big thing.
God is the giver of lamps and leaps:
“For it is you who light my lamp;
the Lord my God lightens my darkness.
For by you I can run against a troop,
and by my God I can leap over a wall”
What needs illuminated today? What can't you see? What is in the dark? Help with a child's sleep routine? Understanding fifth grade math (this girl)? Hope for your marriage? The next step in a relationship? A conversation you need to have that feels extremely hard?
God can light the way for you. He can fill up your lamp and give you the next step. Just ask Him. He hears you.
What wall seems impossible to leap over? What cards seems so stacked against you? What situation feels insurmountable? What forgiveness needs to happen? What relationship needs repair? What healing seems unlikely?
God can give you the strength to bound right over that wall. Ask Him. He hears you.
Sometimes I fumble in the dark, hurting myself way too long before I stop moving and ask Him to show me the way. And I know I have measured, worried about, and despaired at the wall in front of me, instead of asking Him to help me leap over it.
Today, istead of fumbling and fretting, let's look for light and prepare to leap.
God, prepare us to leap over huge hurdles in our lives. Boost our faith in your preparation. Please light up the wall in front of us and show us the next step. Without you, we are in the dark and we struggle to get over anything. We struggle to get over the walls of past hurts, past words, and past mistakes. Give us the strength to move well over these things all in your strength, all by your light. Thank you that you give lamps and prepare leaps. Amen.