Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 8: Simeon Says

It's the sweetest thing when old people hold babies. A tiny new hand wrapped around an old shaking finger. Old eyes gazing into new ones. Generations meeting face to face. The expectant one, holding the Expected One.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 7: You're What?!

Joseph made plans to "take care of things quietly so Mary would not be disgraced." I have no idea what kind of plans he had, but I know one thing: he had grace in his heart for Mary. Just like God had grace in His heart for us. Joseph's heart mirrors the One he is about to raise.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 6: Actually Birthing Jesus

Sometimes I wonder how in the world our hearts can hold all they do, all at once. All the joy.  All the grief. All the anticipating. All the fear. All the wonder. All the questions. All of it coming and going. All of it treasured. Each piece mattering. Together.  Each piece treasured like precious, delicate things.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Holidays and Unmet Expectations

I have turned acorns into astronomical problems. I have expected life to be and look and feel a certain way. And if it does not, then more kindling is added to the slow-burning fire of unmet expectations.  


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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Killing Perfectionism

You aren't a reflection of his untied shoelaces. You are made for loving people and listening to others and sharing stories and making up jokes and laughing. And so is he. NO ONE IS PERFECT, so be done with that idea. No one is always winning. No one is always the best at ALL the things. Rest. Unravel. Let it all be. 

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Recovering America

This election has slung mud that has reached places I never thought it could. Every party included. And I want to reach out and extend a hand of recovery to those who feel afraid, lost, sad, confused, marginalized, numb, apathetic.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 10: For Outrageous Love

God is not shocked that we don’t work well. That we are sometimes jealous and hurtful and rude and deceitful and drunk and too much of something and not enough of something else. That we are imbalanced and we yell and we are messy. 


He doesn’t love us because we are good.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 9: For Letting Go

And aren't we grateful? For the moments in our life that beg for a bend in the road, though we have to be the one to blaze the trail?  

Let's get grateful as we let go.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 8 : For Things We Take For Granted

Gratitude is a heart posture that is open and humble and very tied to sharing and giving. We cannot possibly be grabby when we are grateful. We are hands open and heart open and lives open. 

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 7: For Those Who Teach

And aren't we grateful? For those who offer help in our frustration. For those who, just by BEING, are teaching. For those we adore. For the friend who said something that changed your attitude. And the Dad who told you Chin Up when it was rough.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 6: For Laughter

Who are your favorite people to laugh with? Let's tell them today. If that feels strange to do, tell them I made you do it. Blame me. I'll be fine. 

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 5: For Children

Children know how to ask for things. Children know how to create things. Children know how to invite themselves (and everyone else) to everything. Children know how to wonder and tell over-the-top-stories and how to slow life down.  It would do us some good to take notes from these little teachers.

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