How do I handle my white privilege?
I deeply miss the diverse relationships I had in high school; I miss recognizing and celebrating diverse friendships, having the weeds of prejudice pulled from my white privilege perspective, and raising my children with a colorful and beautiful view of the world.
Race and Privilege: A Collaboration Blog Series
Four women are gathering here for the next month and are having conversations on privilege perspectives and racial reconciliation. Grab some coffee, ready your heart, and join our conversation.
The Writer's Secret
I inhaled camaraderie, and exhaled competition.Walking into a room of 800 women who write, speak, and teach, I had a choice. These are unquestionably my people. But insecurity, lies, and fear are sneaky fellows who travel together, sidelining talents, treasures and time. I could sink into insecurity, or rise up through encouragement.
Dreams, Purpose, and Motherhood.
Your dreams my be dormant. But they're not dead. There's a difference.
One Word That Can Bring Refreshment
Saying no encourages me to re-frame my focus and prioritize the people, relationships, experiences that truly matter. Saying no allows me to rest and recharge and be refreshed. Saying no enables me to truly value and appreciate those experiences I do end up saying yes to.
The Best Way to Refresh a Weary Soul
if we’re gut-real honest about the “hard” of motherhood, we might all admit that more than a quiet reprieve from the raucous, we’re desperate for a heart-rending run-in with the marvelous.
Refresh: Sarah Humphrey
My goal every day isn’t to get a million things done or to make the world go round, it’s to live in Presence. Present with God, present with myself, and present with the people and situations around me.
The Spirituality of Motherhood
I would love to come speak at your moms group, church, retreat or MOPS. Here's my latest sermon at Brookside Church on the spirituality of motherhood. Because we need one.
Refresh: Shannon McKee
It’s important for me to stop and really look at him in these moments. To appreciate the way God has wired him and gifted him uniquely. Because raising him has been a challenge that has stretched me to my breaking point at times.
Summer Series: Refresh
The great thing about gratitude is that it can turn the whole thing around in a moment. We can often think the whole day is shot if the morning was sour. Don't buy into the lie that a rotten five minutes ruins five hours.
This Summer We Need Things With Capes
Capes. I didn't get one. But some things in this world wear one. They come from Jesus and they wear capes and they help my life. And it's summer and all my people are home and I am banking on these heroes.
What's Your Life Thesis?
In the opportunities in front of us, a life thesis could be quite helpful.