Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 4: The King's Song

It's as if the King proudly sang a future for His Boy right in front of us. Can you hear it? "And He shall be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."  

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 1: The With-Us God

Where do you need God with you?  In your Monday morning or your marriage or your messy emotions? In your quiet, constant anxiety? In your depression or your decisions?

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Mom Guilt? How About Mom Grace.

One of my brilliant counselor-friends says guilt is like a coach. It can show you something that needs to change, it can be a productive teacher, and it can cheer you on to remedy a situation. But if we find guilt coaching us in a way that tears us down, makes us feel insignificant, and puts us under the pile, then we need to listen to a different coach. 

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Wind, Waves, and Thanksgiving Day

I sit thankful this morning, on Thanksgiving Day, for those who have walked before us and written on keeping our soul. On finding the Anchor. On trusting God with all of it. 

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 10: For Outrageous Love

God is not shocked that we don’t work well. That we are sometimes jealous and hurtful and rude and deceitful and drunk and too much of something and not enough of something else. That we are imbalanced and we yell and we are messy. 


He doesn’t love us because we are good.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 9: For Letting Go

And aren't we grateful? For the moments in our life that beg for a bend in the road, though we have to be the one to blaze the trail?  

Let's get grateful as we let go.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 8 : For Things We Take For Granted

Gratitude is a heart posture that is open and humble and very tied to sharing and giving. We cannot possibly be grabby when we are grateful. We are hands open and heart open and lives open. 

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 7: For Those Who Teach

And aren't we grateful? For those who offer help in our frustration. For those who, just by BEING, are teaching. For those we adore. For the friend who said something that changed your attitude. And the Dad who told you Chin Up when it was rough.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 7: For Those Who Teach

And aren't we grateful? For those who offer help in our frustration. For those who, just by BEING, are teaching. For those we adore. For the friend who said something that changed your attitude. And the Dad who told you Chin Up when it was rough.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Day 6: For Laughter

Who are your favorite people to laugh with? Let's tell them today. If that feels strange to do, tell them I made you do it. Blame me. I'll be fine. 

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