Episode 23: Forgiveness with Steve Rieske

“As soon as I say: When another person changes, then I can finally be Ok, I just farmed out my well being into some else’s life.” - Steve Rieske, pastor and counselor. How often do we do that? Put our well-being into someone else’s hands? Bank our ability to be OK on someone else changing? All. The. Time. So what do we do with this thinking, with forgiveness, with reconciliation, with all the relationship exchanges? We brought on our dear friend Steve Rieske to talk all about this topic. And we all need it. You know what else you need? To laugh about what kind of pool you might want to jump in if it was filled with something besides water. Like mayo. You never know what kind of laughing and learning you’ll come across under The Big Top but we think you’ll love it!

In the fall of 2019, Steve became the full-time Lead Teaching Pastor at Brookside Church and he has been involved with Brookside since its creation, serving in multiple roles including as an Elder. In addition to serving Brookside, Steve served with the college ministry CRU since 1999. Steve holds an undergraduate degree from Ohio University and in 2014 received his Masters of Arts and Clinical Counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary. Steve and his wife Sandy were married in 1997 and have three children (Narnia, Danny, and Jack).


Episode 24: Male and Female Friendships with Craig Flack


Episode 22: Slow Growth in a Fast World with Amy and Lori