6 Days: Hunt for Hope
A dear friend, Danielle, works at UNC Wilmington campus - she is fantastic! Her heart caught fire with what we were doing with The Daughter Project, as she is a Toledo area native herself. She organized an event on campus this spring called: Hunt for Hope. It was a wonderful event - great job, Danielle!
Here's what they did, according to Danielle: The Hunt for Hope was a campus wide program for students to help raise awareness about sex trafficking in America. Over 130 students raced to collect over 2000 eggs that were filled with candy, tickets for prizes and facts and statistics about the sex trafficking industry.
A number of students came up to me at the end and wanted to know how they could find out more but one sweet girl with tears in her eyes whispered, "I had no idea. How can I possibly do nothing? I will definitely look into this and find a way to make a difference." Mission accomplished. (and yet ironically- and sadly-enough...this is only the beginning).
Here's some photos from her event. She had The Daughter Project website along with my blog and other sites on their t-shirts as they advertised for the event. Sweeping the nation for redemption!