3 Days To Go....
Yesterday I had an interview with The Lighthouse Report.
The Lighthouse Report (http://www.lighthousereport.com) is a one
and two minute radio program of Campus Crusade for Christ and is hosted by Steve Douglass, the president. The radio spots air on more than 1,000 radio stations nationwide and in other English-speaking areas of the world. Portions of the interview may also be used for another program produced titled Women Today (http://www.womentoday.org) (hosted by co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, Vonette Bright).
For more information about these programs, or to listen to them, please visit our websites at:
Can you believe I only have 3 more days? It feels exciting, a bit sad and a chapter coming to a close. I don't want this to be a "thing I did" and off to other things. I want to stay involved and informed. But I am looking forward to less layering and straight up cute pregnancy clothes ;)
It was Cousins Week as I visited my sister in Cinci while her husband was away on business. We had a blast and were VERY busy. They are the cutest together - so fun!