Who's here this morning?
Some days you wake up and there's Empty. Staring right at you.Void daring you to despair. How challenging your mustard seed of hope. How can I do this...make it...one more step.
And then days where we are greeted by Full. Shining bright in your face. Brim daring you to laugh. Why challenging you to humility. Why have I been given so much. So much love. Goodness. Babies. Fruit.
Full is here this morning.
Full and Overflowing...skipping toward me. Saying: see the gifts everywhere! Every nook, every street, every blade of grass! You silly! Open your eyes!
Finding three fluffy, wavy plumes on top of giggly, dreamy little heads.
Seeing new wood, fresh windows, confident hammers.
Watching space being carved out for me and who I am, for him, for her, for others, for open hands that knew loss but now have room ready for gifts.
Looking at a new chapter...maybe even a whole new book. At 35 I'm writing and seeing and hunting and finding Full on my couch sharing coffee with me.
I see you, Full. Thank you for coming. Thank you for knocking and shouting at me with a huge grin on your face and pointing at every detail like a kid in a candy shop.
All praise be to the Giver of good gifts!
To the Full One - the Filler, the Brimmer, the Overflower.
To the Carpenter, the Story-Writer, the Lover.
To the In-the-Womb-Baby Knitter. And the Giver of strong hands to hold babies grown inside or outside your own belly.
To the King.
(I've been reading "Little Pilgrims Progress" to my kiddos. I love the personification of attributes....Hope coming around the corner and Despair trying to block her from arriving, etc....)