ENTJ Parenting
As an ENTJ parent on the MeyersBryggs personality test...I have some strengths. Annnnnd some weaknesses. And when I get frustrated and my temp is rising toward my kids or my family dynamics - it’s at that moment I need to remember: it’s most likely me. Not them.
The above 4 “stressors” for my personality are VERY present in children….and especially in Preschoolers. Indecision is the name of Olive’s game right now: “I want to wear the pink pj’s! Not the pink! The purple long ones! No! The pink! Not the puuuuuurple! No - the pink!” This is a real conversation. Every. Single. Night. The indecision slowly makes me want to….I don’t know…..say very rude things. This is why Dad rocks at bedtime with her.
And then efficiency in life….having three kiddos is anything but efficient. Getting out the door without forgetting your one year old’s shoe that he just got off and chucked across the kitchen floor or to refresh the diapers in your bag or to grab your coffee too…..several trips is just what is needed to get into a van with a family of 5. Not. Efficient.
Others ignoring established guidelines
….that’s, again, what kids do. They push against what you have set. They ask WHY a bazillion times….or just ignore the rule and start shoving each other on the bar stools at breakfast. This is a clearly stated rule they are ignoring. Blatantly. This is also what most kids want to do growing up - ignore rules and do what you want to do. And if ENTJ’s are not ready for this constant stressor to be a norm in their life…..then stressed you shall be.
And the lack of control a preschooler may have….say, when they don’t get their way? The solution? Why not just scream? And not control your body in any way but let it flop around and kick and scream (did I mention that?) and in general lose all control.
Sometimes I find myself clenching my teeth and sighing loudly….and Rob asks if I’m ok. Since understanding more about how I am wired and then interposing that with being a mom….I have to step back and see that it is not my children’s fault.
And I lack control when it comes to chocolate. So we are all even here.