Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Naming Tears

The best thing I know to do is give those tears words. Naming tears. Naming gives me something to work with. Something to hold onto and consider.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Momma Coach

"If I want to coach kids who show up to practice with hands and hearts that look to help - then I have to show up to practice the same way."

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Road Trip

And of course it's not about the road trip, friends. It is NEVER about the road trip. That's just a slice of my entire life concentrated, pressed down and shoved into a van for a few hours.

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert

Birth Strength

It's a thing. Those who have given birth were given the strength to do so. And whether you went natural or had drugs or in between (drugs that only partially worked, my poor sister!) or C-section - the actual event of getting another human out of your body, one way or another, requires a strength that I really think we need to be tapping into more than just that very specific birthing time

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Amy Seiffert Amy Seiffert


I had the opportunity to preach a sermon this week at our church. And there's one, 3-letter word that hit me between the eyes in the text: Let.

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Anxiety and Control: 4 Helpful Steps

You only need to put your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical hand back in your own pockets and leave things and people alone. Let them be. Make any decisions you need to make to take care of yourself, but don't make them to control other people. Start taking care of yourself.

— Melody Bates, Codependent No More

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