Rethinking Lent: Choices
The choice was made. Eyes were opened. Darkness and separation and sin and hiding and fig leaves and shame entered Eden. Turns out this was no longer so good.
Rethinking Lent: Good
Our word this week: Good. God is good. God created good things. God made good people. God enjoys goodness. God is for our good.
All The Worry
This week I kept it close. I believed that if I forgot to worry about this important thing coming up, then I wouldn't be prepared. As if worry equals preparation. As if worry equals control. As if worry equals comfort.
Know Who You Are
It is insecurity that causes us to compare. And we are insecure when we do not know who we are - which is a deeply loved, cherished, cared for and delighted in son or daughter.
The 3 Parenting Evils
This is the Trifecta that slays me. I am really banking on "knowing being half the battle" at this point. Now we know these are the places of melt-downs, whining and general disaster. Good luck.
Let's Laugh At Ourselves
Laughter in life at blunders, messes and mixed-up details has meant freedom and a lighter load for me. But I was not always this way. And, let's be real, some days it's still hard to laugh
3 End of The Day Questions
This practice has taught us to be mindful. To be silly. To be proud of our good choices. To know we are strong and brave and capable. To admit our faults. To embrace grace and to know a love that covers a multitude of wrongs.
2 Words Every Child Needs To Hear
We will inevitably hurt our children, fail them and bruise their souls. But we can also apologize, admit wrong and make room for grace in our homes. Asking for forgiveness can often speak louder than the hurt. Grace. Forgiveness. Humility. These are what make a home beautiful.
The Spirituality of New Year's Resolutions
We will fail in our resolutions. But getting back up? That's just as good as the decision itself. To keep deciding, that's grit and virtue and self control and resilience for our souls. Jesus got back up. From the very grave.
Day 10: Christmas Wonder
God, thank you for gifts you can wrap and gifts you cannot. You love seeing us enjoy all kinds of gifts. Thank you for your love of giving. For your love, period. Thank you for grace. For unmerited favor upon a messy, broken person like myself. Thank you for coming.
Day 9: Christmas Widow
But maybe God chooses ALL kinds of people. Maybe He chooses prostitutes for His heritage and murderers for His kings and blind men for His brothers and you and me and everyone for His family. Those who never leave the church building and those who left church decades ago.